Tuesday, April 28, 2015

D. O. N. E. Done!

Well, it has taken some time to finally finish the flagstone porch ad start the landscaping.  We also cut dead pines out front, fertilized and put in systemic insecticide for pine beetle.  We would hate to lose anymore trees.
This is our new favorite place on the porch.  it i quiet, cool and as soon as we get the waterfall going again...soothing.

We are planting tomatoes, herbs, melons, rhubarb and pumpkins among the flowers for a more edible landscaping.  Yesterday we had the back leveled and scraped and now are ready to bring in gravel for a driveway to our back door.  It has literally been a long haul, but we are so pleased with the results and look forward to enjoying this space for a long time.