Saturday, November 8, 2014

Double double toil and trouble?

Thought we would take a little jaunt north this weekend to see Jonathan and Diana and help out with preparation for the twins.  We got a call the night before we  left saying that Diana was already in the hospital.

We arrived the next day, Nov. 5, and Greyson Bruce (6.4) and Oliver Jon (5.4) were born.  Diana was a real trooper and is doing fine.  Oliver spent a little time in NICU, but all is now well and they should be headed home after the weekend.

We had a nice visit with Joe and family.  Here are Dad and Amelia communicating…
We were able to take a tour with Jonathan of his new venue while we were here.  He is planning to open on Dec. 1, and now has his hands really full…literally!!  Below is his office, where he was working very hard!  I love his "elephant in the room"!  

Today we plan on heading up to see Joe and Diana's new home in Kaysville and meet James and Brandi who are coming down from Logan.  We sure miss being near all the grandkids.
  We will head home on Mon.  Work is still going on at the house.  We hope to be in soon!!

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